Thursday, January 26, 2012

Codex Imperial Guard Design Philosophy

Abandoning the order system.
I have never been a fan of implementing special rules for their own sake, nor have I been a fan of granting one army unique special rules that every other army can logically justify.  There is no reason why a Space Marine Squad, a Chaos Space Marine Squad, an Aspect Warrior Squad, a Kabalite Warrior Squad, a Fire Warrior Squad, or even an Ork Mob can’t use the orders that Guardsmen get.  While I have to give the order system its due for being effective, my rules design is as much about background as it is battlefield effectiveness.  In place of the order system, Commanders will get to pass around Leadership bonuses.

Abandoning tank squadrons.
I can fully understand the focus on Imperial Guard armored vehicles as a major thematic element, but frankly there are more balanced ways to do it than granting a 2000 point army the ability to drop nine pie plates on turn 1.  Leman Russ and Ordnance tanks will be 1 for 1, but there will be ways to swap Fast Attack choices or Elites choices for Heavy Support, most likely from a tank platoon commander.

Variation in unit entry instead of separate choices.
Where possible and convenient, I am going to incorporate minute changes such as turret swaps to into single unit entries.  All Leman Russ tanks will be incorporated into a single, smoother entry with the battle tank serving as the template.  The same will apply to Ordnance tanks, with the Griffon being the base and all sorts of siege weapon options.  This will be a common occurrence through many armies, with examples being Land Raider and Predator variants.   

Rough Rider platoons. 
Simple but huge shift in my opinion.  There might be a slight point increase, but the purpose here is to allow a player to create a massive cavalry hammer for his/her army. 

Return of doctrines.
The original document will be a barebones army list with rules and wargear, but eventually doctrines will follow so that the army can be altered to make Catachans, Valhallans, Vostroyans, etc.  The background demands!

Lower costs and Leadership.
Many infantry units will receive small price and Leadership reductions, mostly to fit the image of the Guard as a horde army.  Before you panic about the Leadership, remember my comments above concerning officers.  Vox-casters and commander special rules, reinforced by priests and commissars, will make an Infantry force quite stable and viable. 

Commissars shift to function as Priests and Enginseers.
You will be able to take 0-5 Commissars, each with 2 wounds and a 6” stubborn bubble.

Autocannons gain AP 3.
Autocannons fire huge caliber shells more than capable of obliterating standard power armor.  This is a buff to give the unit a flexible heavy weapon that can tackle light vehicles and MEQ units, as the autocannon should be.  This change will be consistent throughout the new codices.

Expansion of psychic powers.
I don’t intend for the Guard to be a top tier psychic army, but Primaris Psykers and Battle squads will get some variation and a method of defense.  Battle squads will also be toned down slightly, as I have read that they are overpowered.

Let me know what you think.  More ideas will come as they occur to me.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds really interesting. Shame for the loss of Orders though, I liked the system and would have expanded it even a bit.

    Do you plan to include some more vehicle variants from Epic or Forgeworld?

    If you give Autocannons AP3, you have to increase the price, i guess? Would give HBs a niche again.

    Any Idea when you'll release a first version? Really would like to get my hands on that :)
